This will be your opportunity to meet your child's teacher, learn about the grade level standards, get an overview of this year's expectations, and learn about the discipline policy, the homework policy, and the attendance policy. Please leave your children home if possible. There will be no childcare provided.

There will be two classroom presentations for each grade level so that parents with more than one child can visit more than one teacher. An announcement will be made at the end of the first session which will give you 5 minutes for moving to the next class. Please plan to be on time for each presentation. Remember that this is not a time for individual conferences. If you wish to have an individual conference, please make an appointment with your child's teacher. In addition to the classroom presentations, we will begin the evening in the auditorium at 5:00pm with important information about Toland Way.

5:00pm- Meet in the Auditorium
5:20pm- First Session
5:55pm- Second Session